Love it or hate it, it's that time of year again. Christmas music time. The time when some radio stations play the same 20 Christmas songs endlessly, and nobody stops to wonder about Sammy Davis Jr, Bette Midler and Barbra Streisand singing about the Lord's birth.
You can tune it out, but you can never really escape. It's in stores, on commercials, and popping up on blogs. It takes a fair degree of cynicism for those who celebrate Christmas to say they hate Christmas music, but who can blame them when the most hackneyed, overplayed tunes get the most air time?
There are some offenders that I personally can't stand;
- Anything by the Beach Boys or Elvis.
- "Do They Know It's Christmas Time?"
- "Last Christmas" by Wham
They have over 30 different channels of holiday music alone. You can listen to reggae Christmas, or Broadway Christmas, or new music released this year. If you can't find something you like among their mixes, you can make your own. Best of all? You can check off the artists you don't want to hear. Bye-bye Beach Boys and Elvis for me. When a song is playing you can click on the album pictured and go right to the Amazon link if you're interested in buying it. While you're at accuradio, check out all the non-holiday genres of music they host. I love it.
This is just my own opinion, and I was not paid to endorse this product. Accuradio is free.
Sharp eyes spotted a little bit of his green shoe peeking out from a cookie jar.

I get the hint. The jar is empty. I need to get cooking.

This is just my own opinion, and I was not paid to endorse this product. Accuradio is free.
What has the elf been up to?
Sharp eyes spotted a little bit of his green shoe peeking out from a cookie jar.
I get the hint. The jar is empty. I need to get cooking.
11 people stopped folding laundry to write:
i am definitely not one of those people who loves any and all christmas music, but the classics (done well) i adore.
I LOVE your elf's adventures. I am thinking we'll have to have one come visit sometime. And thanks for the tip on Accuradio! I have a few of my own Christmas song offenders that I can't stand to listen to.
Dammit, you mentioned that frigging Wham song and now it's stuck in my head. Damn you, George Michael!
I worked at the Gap for a holiday season when I was in college, and man do those songs get old. Mariah Carey is also a big offender on my list.
Despite that whole "conversion to Judaism" thing, I still love good Christmas music. Favorites include Barenaked for the Holidays (Barenaked Ladies), Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas (Ella Fitzgerald), Christmas Caravan (Squirrel Nut Zippers), and for some silly Hannukah songs, Hannukah Rocks by the LeeVees.
I love accuradio too!!!! It is the best!
The elf is too funny!
I love some of the classic Christmas music but I learned, a few years ago, that it can be terribly hard on people who are alone. A friend, who had just lost her husband, got to the point she couldn't bear to even go grocery shopping -- she was in tears by the time she got out. So I sometimes think that perhaps the stores and malls would be smart to maybe cut down on the length of time they play that music and think about people who might find it depressing.
How thoughtful Catherine is to think of perhaps a "scale-back!" Interestingly enough, along those same lines, our church this year is holding a "Blue Christmas" service/session for folks in that challenging place.
That said, I am a SUCKER for the holiday music...I CAN do Elvis, but ugh, Grandma getting run over by a reindeer or anything Chipmunky rub me wrong.
My Christmas ULTIMATE is Dean Martin's "Making Spirits Bright" Mmmm....yummy. Actually all Rat Pack era holiday music tends to be my favorite. I have overdone on Harry Connick in the past, but he may be ready for a resurrection...or am I speeding through my seasons? ;)
Oh, I love Christmas music. Oddly, since I am Jewish. But, really, I have several CDs and it just makes me happy. Whatever works, right?
:-D That clever elf!
I never heard of Accuradio.. but I do have several "stations" on Pandora. I think they might be similar..??
thanks for the plug "accuradio"...i'll go check it out......and don't be scared....about the will be ok......ok?
I am listening to accuradio right now! Thanks for the tip. I can't remember how I found you (my first visit) but I feel an instant bond as I once had 3 under 2 as well, although I currently have a 13 year old and 2 11 year olds.
"Last Christmas"...ugh. One of the worst things about the holiday season is hearing that song on the radio at least once a day. I agree that Accuradio is awesome!
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