Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Scat Song

The twins are back from Outdoor School. The fine staff there has enlightened them on the mysteries and awesomeness of nature. They visited tide pools, made friends with banana slugs, and learned the biological term for animal droppings. There's even a song about the latter.

11 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Des said...

Easily amused is right!!! I loved it! I was fully grown and growing grey hair before I knew what the study of scatolgy was. These children definately have one up on me.

Laura said...

I learned something new today...which is what I aim for.

Lisa said...

Ahahaha! My 5 yr. old came running to see what the singing was all about. So now when his Grandma babysits him tonight and he says "piece of scat" I can blame you, right?

Unknown said...

LOL, I love it!

Lisa said...

Surfing needlework blogs...came across yours and had to "stop folding laundry" in the East Bay (CA) and write a comment...outdoor camp is an education, as my son went through it a couple of years ago. Looks like your children had fun and learned a lot! I will come back and visit.

Lindsay-ann said...

Loved the song and learned a new word!

Alisa said...

What amazing performers they are. I am so impressed.
You must be a proud momma.
Glad they had fun!


Next time my man falls off a ladder, I will have him say 'Scat' instead. Thanks, Three! That was both educational and enjoyable.

Gerb said...

This is my new favorite song... I have been singing it for 2 days straight! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. I am still laughing. PIECE OF SCAT!!

Maki said...

Aw this post is so great - you, too, have adorable children!!!!! Thank you for putting a smile on my face:)

debi9kids said...

LOL! How funny is that song! haha

My kids went to a local park and learned all about "scat" as well and I am telling you, there was "scat talk" for months in our house! haha

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