Loved him for years. LOVED. Here is the famous scene from Pride and Prejudice when Colin Firthtakes a cold shower jumps in a cold lake and then runs into his love unexpectedly.
Congratulations to Colin Firth. And for those of us who are Pride and Prejudice fans, there was a particular happiness in knowing that P&P costar Jennifer Ehle also had a role in The King's Speech. She played the speech therapist's wife.
In my mind, he was best actor years ago. Glad the rest of the world is catching up.
Makes My Monday is hosted by Cheryl at Twinfatuation. Join in and show us something you can smile about!
Strange Things
14 hours ago
5 people stopped folding laundry to write:
I've been putting off work, but decided just now to re-watch (listen to?) Pride and Prejudice while starting some paperwork. I wonder where I got that idea?
Ah yes - Darcy .... {swoon}
Yes he is been one of my "boyfriends" for years - who can resist - a CLASS act!!!
OK. Embarrassingly, I've not seen P&, I shall.
The fact his Oscar pleased you so, and that I know what I may be watching this weekend, Makes My Monday!
Thank you so much for playing along!
I did my post today about the Jane Austen quilt, and I mentioned the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. My husband was gone all week, and I watched 4 Jane Austen movies including that one. I haven't seen The King's Speech but plan to soon. I'm glad he won, too. I like him a lot, too!!
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