Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Needlework Tuesday 7-24-12

Summer seems to be the time when I get a lot of hand stitching done.  It's too beautiful outside to go to my quilt cave in the garage and fire up the iron and hunch over my machine. 

So lately I've been resurrecting some projects that have been patiently waiting.  Remember this hexie project?  I've got one sample with the solid border around it in the upper right.  Finished flowers are in the upper left and I've laid out the rest of my hexies into flowers to make sure I've scattered the fabrics evenly.  They're all going into ziplock snack bags so I can start stitching them together.  Then I have to make the rest of the solid border hexies.

I found some wonderful hexie graph paper to print via Pinterest.  Find it here.  This is great for planning a quilt with odd-shaped blocks.

Have you visited my Pinterest Hexie board?  It keeps me inspired.

Needlework Tuesday is hosted by Heather at Books and Quilts.

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Anonymous said...

Love those hexagons, so pretty!

Heather said...

i'm back from vacation and running around getting caught up. Love what your are doing with your hexies. The colours you've chosen are beautiful. I don't have a hand work project on the go right now, though I do have some embroidery I set aside that I want to get back to.

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