Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's only the rest of your life

I gave a little gift to Drama Girl yesterday.  Actually, more of a big, fat, heavy gift.  One year from now she will be up against the December 1 deadline for many college applications.  She doesn't have any idea where she wants to apply or what schools have to offer, so I got this to get her started.

I swear I remember signing her up for kindergarten like it was yesterday.  I even remember where I parked the car when I went to pick up the forms.  I was so excited.  I really can't believe how fast it has all gone by.

She still has SATs to take, and AP tests and many other things to get through.  Then we'll try to visit what colleges we can to help her see firsthand what they're like.

I'm nervous for her.  It's such a big decision.  She has so many interests now but as a parent, I know how much ideas can change at this age.

This morning after the kids left for school I found the book lying open in the family room - at the pages about Harvard.

Dream big Drama Girl!

5 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

So true! My youngest is in the same boat and I'm trying to jump start his selection process. My daughter had already decided by now... each child is so different. Good luck.

Lily Boot said...

I know! I remember packing her little lunch bag the first day - we had a picnic in the park next door to Kinder after the orientation session in the morning - and I remember the exact outfit she wore and her dear little smile. Then the first day - she was waiting for me in tears at the gate. And now she's 15. Only three years of school left here. Good luck with your university exploring :-)

owlfan said...

My oldest is in the same boat. He feels like he must decide on a major and career before he can choose a college. Both the major and college choices are slow going... We are trying to convince him that they aren't necessarily related.

I checked out a college guide from the library last month and it didn't seem to do the trick. I'll keep trying.

Cheryl Lage said...

Oh it cannot be so, ThreeUnder! How time flies. FYI, my old alma mater was just declared the best college for Harry Potter fans....just saying'! ;)

Dream big indeed, Drama Girl!

Liz Jimenez said...

EEK! Can't believe it.

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