Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Patriotic Quilt - Done!

This quilt is called "Celebrating Freedom" and the pattern is from McCall's Quilting May/June 2012 issue.

I'm proud that almost all of this fabric was from my stash - so the quilt was free, right?  The picture doesn't quite show how scrappy the reds are, but there are a lot of different fabrics in there.  I love scrappy quilts.  I spend a lot of time moving things around on my design wall and planning them so they look totally unplanned.

I'll always remember this quilt for the half-square triangles.  Not my favorite thing to sew up.  See all the tiny ones on the outer border?  I was brilliant enough to sew two sides of the border completely backwards.  Had to take the stitches out between every set of triangles and restitch them the other direction.  I'm pretty sure I'll never make that mistake again.

 This is a summery quilt, but it gets to stay out on display now because it's new.  I think it works well in my colorful living room.

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this quilt. I think the different fabrics really show patriotism; after all, we are all made up of bits and pieces. :)


Melissa said...

Very pretty - I love scrappy quilts husband likes things a bit more coordinated...

Tami said...

Gorgeous, as always! Love the scrappy look.

Sorry to smile at your frustrations - but it's good to know that even experienced quilters have to "back sew" on occasion. :)

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