I had a wonderful time at my machine quilting class at Asilomar.
This mini quilt I did manage to finish and bind and rinse. It's my first trapunto piece, and now I'm hooked on using this technique. I never looked much at whole cloth quilts before but this class really gave me an appreciation for them.
This is also a change for me because I really love quilts that have a riot of color going on. Now I'm going to keep my eyes open for fabric that's pale and demure to show off the stitching. My shopping options just expanded.
Of course, even though my goal was to come home without another unfinished quilt to work on, I just couldn't resist starting another much bigger trapunto quilt. I had a big piece of this soft pink fabric so I just dove right in. Yet another project to divide my attention.
I met many wonderful women there. I even met a blogger I've visited online before! Go visit Tami at Lemon Tree Tales. She's wonderful.
4 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Wow! Your machine quilting is wonderful! I can't wait to see the larger one you have yet to finish.
Expanded buying options - always a hazard - they are absolutely lovely...
Those are gorgeous!!!!
both of these projects are amazing. They have encouraged me to continue working on my machine quilting.
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