The dear husband is going on a business trip Monday morning at the crack of dawn. I wont see him until Wednesday night. I'm thrilled.
Don't get me wrong, I adore my husband. I couldn't live without him. But I am an introvert in the extreme. I completely recharge when I can be completely alone. So once the kids go to bed and I have the house to myself, I will glory in it.
I will burn smelly candles in the bedroom, and stay up really late reading, without worrying that I have to turn the lights off because someone has to go to work in the morning. I might watch my favorite costume dramas on dvd, while eating chocolate covered pretzels, and doing my toenails. Because nobody will be around to make me feel self-conscious.
I'm going to "borrow" his pillow, which is fluffier than mine, and sleep sideways on the bed, with the covers exactly the way I want them.
The cats will always choose my lap.
I usually rearrange the furniture while he's gone. Don't ask me why. He always approves, it's just something I like to do without input. I might put different art on the walls or switch the rugs around (no small feat). I don't know why. It's just so liberating for me.
Then when he comes home on Wednesday night, the house will be a little different, and so will I. It's crazy, how much I enjoy this small freedom. But three days is about enough. Then I need him back.
Too much of a good thing can get lonely.
5 hours ago
17 people stopped folding laundry to write:
That's EXACTLY how I feel about my husband traveling. I relish the recharge time and it's so nice to eat rice for dinner and watch my shows without commentary and stay up entirely too late.
That's exactly how I feel, too! My Honey worked this last weekend, and I loved being able to do what I wanted during the day.
I don't think he'll ever go on a business trip, though.
Enjoy your alone time!
Wow - that's a perfect description :) I totally understand!! :)
I'm a "Dad's away, the pillow's mine" kind of Mama, too!
[PS I tagged you for a meme if you're game!]
Beautifully put!
In April I totally redid our bedroom during one of these business trips. I could have never done it with him here, but he absolutely loves it. He's going away in again in September, so I think the livingroom is next.
Love your blog. redundancy I know.
I like sleeping sideways too, after DH goes to work - during the summer, that is - I have to get up early starting 2 weeks from now!
And I am also quite the introvert so I love time to myself - with a good book and maybe some Dutch mints, ideally.
Have a wonderful time!
I am so jealous of your free time. Enjoy it and put cold cream on your face.
I, too, love my husband to bits. However, I do love when he goes out of town for a night or two. Girl movies, eating the whole bag of popcorn by myself, etc, etc. Sometimes a girl just needs some alone time to appreciate the together time!
Totally relate. My husband goes for 2 weeks at a time. And I have decided that is the sucess of our marriage. Seriously.
I couldn't agree more! My husband is a retired Special Forces Green Baret and he used to leave one weekend a month, just the right amount of time. It is amazing what a few days of doing what ever you want can do for you!
Wonderfully said!
I agree it can get lonely but it's a good chance to get some time out which we all need from each other.
I know what you mean, enjoy yourself, sounds fabulous!
Go Introverts! I love having my time to just... do whatever I want! Blissful peace and quiet.
Whew. It's not just me. I've kicked my husband out of our bed a few times during this pregnancy so that I could thrash around and not wake him up. (Also, he has body heat which is a bad thing right now.) Of course, I can only stand that for a while and he's pretty patient with switching beds all the time.
I find that on his days off, I notice myself getting frustrated because I can't get done the things I want to. (Obviously, if *he's* on the computer, I should be on my computer, too.)
Gosh, I think we are long lost relatives...I'm not by any stretch of the imagination be called an introvert, but boy am I a furniture re-arranger (right down to the rugs). Hope your time was great!
Pax, E
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