Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Big Scavenger Hunt

When I was pregnant, I read baby magazines and envisioned days of sweet smelling infants in colorful footy-pajamas. I had vague ideas of their school years, and of course, complete plans for the girls' weddings.

What I couldn't see from that vantage point though, is how motherhood is really just one giant scavenger hunt. And I never win - I just get more lists of weird things to find and do.

This week my list includes;

  • A new heating bulb for the frog. Requires a trip to the special pet store that has the special bulb that's about $17.
  • A ticket to the dance at the youth center for Drama Girl. Note to self: duck out really fast before they ask you to chaperone. Meanwhile, find out who all the chaperones are and call every last one of them.
  • Trip to the bank to deposit money for the school PTA. I love the random checks left in my "PTA Treasurer" box with no explanation. I'll just deposit them and figure out what they might be for later.
  • Jungle Boy needs a luggage tag for his trumpet case. Don't we have a million of those around here somewhere? But where? Shoot. I'm going to have to buy one.
  • A Webelos shirt for Jungle Boy. Oh Joy. I get to sew a bunch of patches on it too. I can quilt all day but I hate utilitarian sewing.
  • I need to install the software for Wasabi Girl's camcorder.
  • I need to get the alarm on Jungle Boy's watch fixed so it doesn't go off every hour.
  • Wasabi Girl needs hair stuff so her hair will stay in a bun during gymnastics team workouts. Do they sell sprayable cement?
  • Drama Girl needs more ballet tights.
  • Jungle Boy could use some new pants for Church
  • Everybody needs a haircut
  • I need to get a gift for a birthday party
  • Jungle boy needs new dividers for his notebook because he already tore the holes in the paper ones. I should have just bought plastic dividers to begin with.
  • Keep looking for a baby grand piano on Craigslist
My brain feels splintered. I think I need some things too, but I just wont have time.

Who needs reality TV? Motherhood is the most frantic game of all.

Coming tomorrow: The return of Vintage Thingies Thursday
Responses to comments yesterday A Picture of Me and All About My Kids

Monkey Memories; I have all kinds of valuable advice (or not). Cheryl Lage; I'm all about wanton leg display, and yes, we do smile a lot around here! Katherine; I knew it! We're not the only ones who nickname our food! Lidian; We Product 19 lovers are a rare breed. Nancy; Save the best pictures and be sure to put dates and names on them! We think we'll remember but we don't. Noble Pig; I thought I'd die when George Clooney left ER. That's when I gave up on TV. Might as well enter a convent at that point. Coloradolady; Thanks! Sister's Style; The "Lit" is slang for Literature - the thing I don't get much of any more because of all the laundry. Scary Mommy; I think that people will be disappointed if I ever finally do get around to posting a picture. For now, it's as if I have a "mystique" about me. Or I'm too lazy to get a picture taken. Amy; Once upon a time I had a lavender suede mini-skirt that I loved. And I was a skinny little stick. And I didn't appreciate it enough. *sigh*. Denise; I don't know how I'd survive this crew without a great husband/bartender. Elizabeth; Thanks! Laura; Actually that picture was from 2004. Wasabi Girl has refined her talent a little. Peg; I really think I might have to do it. I might even pick the same fabrics you did - I love them so much. Anissa; Blame the current administration. Always a safe bet. Jocasta; Thanks!

16 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Unknown said...

About the dividers: use packing tape, put it all along the edge, fold it over so it's on both sides. Then, punch the holes. Instant reinforcement!

Good luck with your hunt!!

Beth said...

I have mega-respect for moms. You're a superhero, Threeundertwo!


Anonymous said...

good luck with the scavanger hunt... I'm also impressed that you are letting your kids keep a frog!

Anonymous said...

YOu gotta use this for the GIRL party next week!

magda said...

Another idea for dividers is to just use regular paper with post-its: easy enough to replace (but probably not all that durable).

Don't forget the "free" section on Craigslist. I have seen lots of pianos where it's "you move it, you can have it."

Hope you win your hunt!

Cheryl Lage said...

Bun-containment? Two ozone depleting words: Aqua Net.

You go, ThreeUnderTwo. (Here's a crazy thought...start at the bottom of your list...;) )

Amy said...

yup motherhood IS Frantic but you seem to be handling your busy day well :-)

Anonymous said...

Don't sew the badges, at the scout store they sell badge magic and it totally works, I just did two shirts with it!

Laura said...

I think I need to take a nap now.

Claremont First Ward said...

You have a whole list of randoms. Good luck getting everything done. Who wouldv'e known? :)

Cate said...

I totally hear you about the freakin' light bulb for the frog. Who knew?

Debbie said...

so THAT'S what it's gonna be like in a few years.


thanks for the insight.

i think.

Anonymous said...

This is funny. I love your blog!

It's OK to be WEIRD! said...

HA HA! I love it! I never thought of it that way, but it totally is a scavenger hunt. We had turtles - why does a turtle bulb cost at least double of what a 'regular people' bulb would cost? CRAZY! Keep huntin'! It's what keeps life interesting!

Fostermama said...

Aussie makes a great hairspray that I use whenever I do updos. It comes in a purple can, it's aresol and has the word Freeze in the name. Instafreeze? Freeze-n-Hold? Sorry for the vagueness. I am still at the office and can't run to the bathroom to look at the can! =)

Amy said...

ahh your life sounds quite busy! Isn't that just the way when you're a mom?

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