Monday, October 6, 2008

Hold Everything

I'm a planner. I have this week, and especially today, all planned out. If I do about a thousand things a day, I might keep on top of my schedule. If I have no distractions or setbacks, I will have a bunch of tutors set up at the elementary school, groceries in the house, dinner on the table, and a stack of handouts on the budget and taxes for the PTA meeting tonight.

The only way to make it all work is to put my head down and charge.

So of course today, one of my kids woke up sick.

I could leave her at home while I run around on my errands, but when you're sick you need mommy, and a pleasant time on the couch.

I could ignore her while I fuss and fume over the financial statements I have to untangle, but when you're sick, you need to know someone cares.

So today I am doing the mommy balancing act. Efficiency and compassion.

Don't expect any dusting to get done.

10 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Rachel said...

And such is the life of a mom . . . even the planners! Hope your baby gets better soon.

Following In My Shoes

Suburban Correspondent said...

That's why I never plan to do anything.

Cheryl Lage said...

Oh dear, that's always the way on an occasion wherein you anticipate rockin & rollin through the responsibilities...then a keen reminder of our ultimate responsibility, eh?

Wishing a quick recovery and productivity amidst the compassion.

Coloradolady said...

Oh, I hear ya. That was my house this weekend. My daughter was home from college, sick. So, it was a very uneventful weekend. Mommy duty was more important.

Claremont First Ward said...

Sure sign of a super fantastic mommy. :)

Aimz said...

ahh being sick is not nice, I hope she gets better quick.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, you can do probably already did...good for on.

Texasholly said...

I think a nap is a good idea. I try to plan one in. OK, I'll be honest, the nap is the ONLY thing I plan...

Lidian said...

I could so relate to this post! And you know, they do remember - my eldest, almost 15, remembers the cocoa I brought her on one such occasion, in amazing detail...

My plans go sideways on sick days, but that's one reason I like working at home!

Hope all feel better soon. And dust doesn't matter that much, anyway.

Tonya Staab said...

Dusting ... what's that?

Isn't it always the way. Seriously. You have everything organized and a spanner is thrown in the works.

Hope she's feeling better.

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