Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Farewell 2008: You've been quite a year

2008, you've been fun, sad, crazy, and real.  You've seen us start new things and say goodbye to dear people.  We've grown older, wiser, more talented, and sometimes sillier.  I'm grateful for all that you've given me.   So goodbye now, you've been quite a year.


Jungle Boy won the award for "Most Unusual" Pinewood Derby car.  It had a sail.  He actually won some races with it.

I joked with Jungle Boy that if he "kept spinning around the house like that, I'd enroll him in ballet."  He called my bluff and signed up.  He never looked back.  He has found the one thing he adores more than any other in life.  

We took a vacation to Yosemite to play in the snow.  Drama Girl was unimpressed when I made her look out the cabin window at the bobcat chasing squirrels.


Watched Wasabi Girl play about 100 games of softball.  Watched her run to the snack shack after every single game and get a gatorade and skittles.  Snack of champions.  Celebrated as the twins turned 10.


Started blogging.  Started wondering why I didn't think of it sooner.


Sister-in-law's fabulous, unique, beautiful wedding.  A mix of traditions, Hollywood, family, friends, and utter coolness.


My father-in-law passed away suddenly.  We were all comforted by the fact that he had been able to travel to see his daughter married, but we miss him very much.  Jungle Boy had his first ballet recital, where he performed in 4 dances.


Drama Girl got cast in a local production of "Get Smart."   Tillamook Cheese started following me on twitter.  I realized this whole blogging thing can get really weird.


Drama girl turned 12, and suddenly knew everything.  Trip to Disneyland.  Twins started middle school, and for the first time in many years I had all three kids at the same school, and I could drop them off and pick them up at the same time.


The twins started practicing their new instruments for band class - a trumpet and a saxophone.  The cats and I hid under the bed.  Jungle Boy and Drama Girl began Nutcracker rehearsals.  Wasabi Girl got picked for the local gymnastics team and started her workouts with them.


The holiday whirlwind began.  Lots of the usual pumpkin carving and candy eating.  


Election excitement.  The kids took an interest in the whole thing and we tried to explain it as best we could.  We stayed up late on election night to see the results roll in.


Pesky elf returned for a visit during the holiday season.  Drama Girl and Jungle Boy were fabulous in the Nutcracker.  Jungle Boy learned how to play blackjack while hanging out in the boy's dressing room.  We had a hard time tearing Jungle Boy away from his fans as he chased them down to give them autographs after the show.  Santa was very generous with everybody.

So now I'm ready to start 2009, with a new blog look and a long list of goals and ideas.  Thank you my friends, for reading along on our family adventures.  Blogging has certainly been a very fun part of 2008.

Happy New Year!

12 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Threeundertwo said...

Test comment. I thought it was pretty quiet around here. . .

kids taxi driver said...

Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks for the entertainment these past few months, I truly enjoy your adventures.

Des said...

I'm here!! Not so quiet anymore! Sounds like a great and growing 2008. So glad I found you. I like the whiteness of the new blog look!

Happy , Happy New Year!

Cathi said...

Sounds like a very busy 2008! I hope you and your family have a peaceful, happy and healthy New Year.

Lindsay-ann said...

I enjoyed your summary of the year. I looked back at your Disney post as we are returning in 2009 to Orlando. We have nothing like that over here and we just love it.
Happy New Year

What A Card said...

Happy New Year! Mat 2009 be an even better year!

annieology said...

My twin brothers took up the sax and the violin at the same time too, YIKES, I feel your pain.

I'm glad Jungle boy has a passion nothing better.

Anonymous said...

What a wrap and a wonderful way to remember your year! I've enjoyed all my visits here getting to know you and your family!


Great post. Loved it. You only started blogging in April???? Is that a typo or a test? Haven't you been around the blogsphere for a decade? Or at least a couple of years?

Happy New Year!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the new look. It totally works for you. Good things for all of us in '09.

debi9kids said...

What a fantastic recap of the last year! You had so many wonderful things happen, along with some sadness.
Wishing you a beautiful & happy New Year!

Mom said...

What a great wrap up. All the best in 2009!

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