A pumpkin carriage pulled by squirrels, an owl sitting on the moon - this is my new favorite fall quilt. I finished the top quite a while ago, and it's been sitting in my pile of unfinished objects. Big thanks go to my kids, who helped me by basting it together. Without them, it would still be sitting in that pile. I think I should also thank Drama Girl for patiently holding it up high so I could take a picture. See her shoes?
As you can see in the close-ups, there are buttons on the carriage and I tried with mixed success to quilt some pumpkins into the border. I think some of them look like strawberries and some of them look like tomatoes, but at least a few do look like pumpkins. Pumpkins aren't all perfect in nature anyway. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
What have you been up to this week? Getting ready for Thanksgiving? It's just around the corner. I have a few more quilts in the queue that I'm hoping to finish before the Christmas rush. (Don't hold me to that dream though). Join in and let us know what you've completed recently and I'll be sure to come cheer you on.
More Putting Food Up
4 hours ago
8 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Woohoo I am the first! your quilt is very sweet, nice to display for Thanksgiving.
I totally love this quilt. If it ever goes missing, you know who took it.
Thanks for covering for me Patty. I have my eyes on the Hocus Pocus quilt though. :)
Another beautiful quilt! I love the embroidered pumpkins!
You are so talented.
I love this quilt! It looks awsome!
Yet another beautiful masterpiece. What do you do with all of your quilts? I know you hang some, and I'm sure you save some for your children. But you must make at least 25/year. Do you see them? Give as gifts?
I would be happy to chat with you about the One Block Wonder quilts-I have now tried two, & neither was a success in my opinion!
You can get to my email from my blog.
That is a beauty! Sorry I missed participating this week.
ThreeUnder, you simply amaze me. I cannot wait for my mom's next visit (she has no computer) to show her your handiwork!
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