Thursday, March 31, 2011

Finished for Friday: Career Training

I've had a great time reading this week. Each of these books only took me a day.  First up is The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro.  This is a beautifully written heartbreaking story of the life of a British butler in a grand old house.  He is so devoted to his life of service and to upholding the highest standards that he is oblivious to the real, very messy lives around him.  He takes pride in his lack of emotions, even at the death of his father, and is mystified by the sense of humor of his employers.

A delicious glimpse into another time and a way of living totally foreign to me.  Most of all I recommend this book for its crystal clear writing.  An absolute joy to read.

This one counts against my "page to screen" reading challenge.  I've seen the movie several times and it is very faithful to the book.  Anthony Hopkins is perfect as the butler.

Since I'm the last person to read everything, I finally got around to reading Water for Elephants.  Another great read that didn't take long to get through.

Water for Elephants is the story of a young man (to be played by Robert Pattinson in the upcoming movie) who loses his parents during his last semester at veterinary school in 1932.  With nowhere to turn, he ends up hired on a traveling circus.

The people he meets there are struggling to survive and stay employed.  He encounters humor, beauty, and brutality and perseveres only because of his sense of obligation to the animals.

Vivid writing, and ample research and photographs (quite stunning in the Kindle version I read) made this a believable tale.  Looking forward to the movie, despite its sparkly star.

What have you been up to this week?  Link up and show us your stuff.  Please link back to me and leave a comment if you would like a return visit.  Have a great weekend.

5 people stopped folding laundry to write:

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Thanks for hosting the linky party! I just finished a pillowcase and linked up that post. :)

Danelle (Indie Game Lover) said...

I want to see that movie :)

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Thanks for coming to see my pillowcase. NOW you tell me ruffles are hard! lol. I will try threatening them next time. :)

Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

I'm dying to read 'Water for Elephants'- thanks for reminding me!

Melissa said...

I tried to read Kazuo Ishiguro's Unconsoled...didn't get far. :(

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