Monday, January 23, 2012

Totally Useless

Today is a new moon so it's also time for the first check-in of the year for the Totally Useless Stitch Along.  This is the internet sewing bee where instead of showing our amazing progress on our projects, we show the little thread ends that we've saved up for the month as we worked on projects.  I've started a new jar for this year, and even though I've been stitching away like crazy, it barely shows.

I didn't even show the whole jar because the pile looks so puny at the bottom there.  The Totally Useless Stitch Along (TUSAL for short) is hosted by Daffycat.

I got a new camera that I'm having fun playing with.  My old camera was just giving me sadder and sadder results.  This one has more features than I will learn to use in a month, but so far I'm really happy with what I've figured out.  Every time I get it out and start clicking Hestia comes to investigate, so I have a lot of pictures of her.

She looks sort of mad in that picture, but it's hard to get a cat to look right at the camera and not blink. 

Hope you're doing something totally useless today.  It's good for the soul.

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Angie said...

I love this :D This may be the one and only stitch along that I would feel comfortable joining. :D

Ziggyeor said...

Oh cute. Yes when I had a bigger jar it looked so funny to start with but it gets bigger. Until the pets knock it over or the wind blows it down!

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