Friday, July 27, 2012

Pinteresting: London 2012 craftiness

Are you going to watch the Olympic Games?  It seems like everywhere I look on Pinterest there are fun projects to commemorate the season.

Hooks @ The Ready! has a tutorial for a quick crochet cushion.  A good way to practice changing colors.  Or "colours" as the case may be.  I think I might do this one!

Dandelion Daydreams has a great tutorial for making a block of the Union Flag.  I watch Doctor Who so I know it's not supposed to be called a Union Jack.  This is also tempting me, especially with the fun colors (colours).

Here's a great tutorial for an Olympic Rings quilt from Solar Threads.  A fun memento for a young athlete in the house.

Our house will be all about gymnastics, since we got to go to the team trials this year.  What are your favorite events to watch? 

Catch my boards on Pinterest at

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Heather said...

those all look like fun projects. Fav events to watch, thats tough, they are all so good. Of course being a fencer, i'll be watching fencing, I do enjoy the water sports- rowing, skulling, kayak. /the running and the marathon are a must for me. Should be a good two weeks for watching and stitching.

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