Monday, June 3, 2013

Design Wall Monday: 4 more Farmer's Wife blocks

This weekend I pulled out my Farmer's Wife blocks again to work on.  I'm getting a bit frustrated with the Farmer's Wife book, so I've re-engineered many of the blocks and two of these are from a different book.  So the "Buzzard's Roost" block in the lower right has extra seam lines for example.  Usually I end up with fewer seams than the FW book.  It was just easier to make a series of flying geese for this one than aligning all the different triangles.

I still haven't used all of my hot pink fabrics.  There are quite a few jammed into this bin.  I'm enjoying these bright happy blocks.  22 down, 28 to go.

Linking up today to Patchwork Times.

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Heather said...

When sewing a row of triangles, I find it really helps to use a corner trimmer ( actually I use one of my Marti Michell templates) and then the ends line up perfectly and your row ends up with even edges and the correct length.

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