Monday, December 16, 2013

Cookie Party

I spent most of last week preparing for our cookie party.  Gathering supplies at about 8 different stores.  While I'm at it, I want to be sure everyone knows about this great invention:

Pop-up garbage and recycling bins.  Where have these been all my life?  So perfect for a party where we have drink containers to recycle and lots of paper plates and napkins to toss.  Wish I'd found these years ago.

Anyway, back to the party.  After making four batches of gingerbread cookies and setting up a big brunch, the teenagers got to work.

Boys and girls put their best efforts forward to decorate the cookies.   We voted and had prizes for the best.  Here are some of the contenders:

This one was decorated to look like one of the tiny cookies on my kitchen Christmas tree.

A tribute to Anna and Elsa from the movie "Frozen."

One of the collections of cookies the kids exchanged.

My counter while I was trying to distribute all the cookies the kids brought.
One more shot of beautiful Elsa.  I think the kids did an amazing job.  Everyone had a lot of fun but I admit I was exhausted when it was all over and I'm ready for the next Christmas fun.

My kids have finals this week so shorter school days all week.  I need to get all of my top secret tasks done somehow when they aren't around.

If only somebody would come over and get this laundry done so I could do the rest of the fun stuff.

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Thanks so much for your visit!


Heather said...

The cookies look wonderful. it's been a while since I decorated cookies, but did have a huge amount of fun with cupcakes earlier in the year. Perhaps the fun comes from being told so often not to play with my food, and finally I get to do it for a good reason.

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