Monday, September 21, 2015

Jolly Halloween Progress

My schedule tells me it's time to get out these embroidered blocks I made several years ago and play around with a setting.

Eight blocks is not my favorite number to work with.  I can find a pattern and stitch up another so I have nine - but I'd rather work with what I have and get this one done.

I think I'm going with this setting of three down and two on either side, with some sort of blocks in the corners.   I found a pumpkin print that has the same style of pumpkins as the embroidery, but I think it's a little too busy for a border.  I also need to decide if I want to put contrasting sashing between the squares.  The squares are also going to be trimmed down to a bit smaller than they are now.

In a few weeks you can look at the completed quilt and remember when I was planning all this.  Knowing me, I'll change everything.

The pattern is called Jolly Halloween and is based on the vintage postcards of artist Ellen Clapsaddle. It's available on Craftsy

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Laura Chaney said...

Eight blocks is a hard number to deal with, but I like the layout you've chosen. I always enjoy your holiday projects, so excited to see you work on this!

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