I spent a dollar on ebay and got a book of patterns to stitch mice. Mice dressed up as characters from "A Christmas Carol." Like I need more patterns around here. But what a deal! Only a dollar! Plus a little postage. And I just love little animals in clothes, and Dickens. It was meant to be.
Then I made one. Mrs. Cratchitt with the pudding. Kinda cute.
So I made another. Ebenezer Scrooge. But I didn't have all the colors I needed. Really his glasses should be gold, not silver, like I used.
So I went to the store.
I bought the gold floss for Scrooge's glasses. All 9 stitches. Then I realized that my box of floss is really full, and I have a million skeins that I need to wind on bobbins.
So I bought bobbins. And another box. And those little stickers that have the color number. And some more fabric. Might as well, right?
And then I saw it. The book of Amigurumi patterns. How cute are these? Had to get it.
So then I had to get some worsted weight yarn, because I don't usually use that size. But then I got hungry for a snack in the checkout line and had to get a Snickers.
I really shouldn't have spent that dollar on ebay.
Joining me for TV turnoff week this week? These might help:
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under the age of two not watch television. Here are some ideas to help parents get through the dinner-prep hour.
France has just banned television shows targeting children under the age of 3.
Yesterday – Thursday
3 hours ago
28 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Hee! Don't you just love when a trip to the store spirals out of control like that?
I have to go to the fabric store today, and I saw a sign yesterday that they're having a huge sale: 25-75% off! I have to keep myself under control. I'm not at all crafty, but I have lofty aspirations of becoming crafty. Well, at the very least I have to get fabric to make a ghost costume for my son. Why can't I find a reasonably priced toddler sized ghost costume? Isn't a ghost one of the most common costumes for Halloween?? Oh dear, this just turned into a rant...sorry :)
It's like the big-kid version of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie..."
Don't you just love when one purchase or gift leads to about six others, all in increasing price?
Love it.
And the pattern is cute and of course you NEEDED the gold and...and...and...
Hee hee! Sounds like my trips to Target. Or how they were before I started to try and be a good girl...
The amaguri or whatever they are are adorable!
Ah yes, the well established domino effect of shopping...it always leads to more! Ebay: the gateway drug.
Adorable Scrooge. Should make for my husband. Christmas Carol is his favorite movie- but SCROOGE is his favorite character. I am not surprised!
I have totally been missing your blog for like a week now. So I'm going back to catch up. But I had to laugh about the purchases.. way too familiar! But you really did have to have those mice.. they are terrific.
Where do I add my name to some kind of pre-order list for those little crocheted animals?? :) I need two! hee hee!
The only mouse I can get excited about is Mickey. Can't wait to see all that amigurumi love!!!!! That gal has great patterns. I buy hers off of etsy all the time! fun!
Can someone who is not talented in the sewing and knitting categories, learn to do this (needlepoint)?
Maybe if I did this, I would not put food in my mouth that didn't belong there.
It seems like a good idea, right?
Chuckles to self. I know what you mean...one dollar can lead to several more. Cute mice by the way. Worth the dollar for sure.
I can SO sympathize with this! I do it all the time. At least you stitched those TOOO cute little Dickens mice. My patterns usually just sit around the house until I sell them on eBay to unsuspecting folks!
LOL, too funny!
Look at it this way, now you are extra prepared with all of the floss and the bobbins and new patterns and yarn and everything.
I bet if you had been watching television, you would have missed the eBay auction, and not spent any money at all ;0)
ooh, I love that Scrooge mouse. As for TV, my five year old loves it but already my seven year old would much rather read .... she must learn it from me, I would much rather read!
awww those are cute! yes it's kind of like a chain reaction isn't it? You buy one thing, then another...etc
I am going to bookmark your blog because after reading that post, I think we might be related. It is amazing how just buying one little thing can snowball...I've been there many times. Love the mice, too!!!
Oh isn't that how it always goes? It's like replacing one piece of furniture in your house and before you know it you've totally redecorated.
Your mice are adorable!
I think that was a well spent dollar. Those projects are adorable! I've been looking for that book (well, not all that hard) because they are too,too cute. Have fun and the outcome will be well worth the shopping trip.
They look so cute.....I think it was more than a dollar well spent! :)
IF you give a mom a dollar on eBay, then she's going to have to stitch some mice...
Priceless...way back when I did the same style pattern book, but the resultant ornaments were the items bestowed each of the 12 days of Christmas.
I feel certain I ate a candy bar or two along the way.
You're a better woman than I...how 'bout I just give up any French TV programs this week? ;)
LOL! LOVE the mice! Just adorable!
REALLY LOVE the book you found too! Those little animals are going to be adorable!
Just the very reason why I need to stay home :-)!!! Great post!!!!
I love those little mice cross-stitch patterns. What a bargain.
I was in Michaels yesterday and almost bought that Amigurumi book, but talked myself out of it with an abundance of projects already underfoot, I just knew if I bought it I'd have to start a project immediately that would end up on the huge pile of unfinished projects.
This is the part where I pay you to make me some of those Aruigatimi (whatever, stinking cute) animals.
This sounds like "If You Buy A Mouse A Cookie"...LOVE your post! :)
Those charts are adorable! I noticed when I posted a picture of my floss box on Flickr that I was the only one who puts the bobbins upright (so I can see the numbers). To me, that makes sense. Thank you for doing it that way too. Now, I don't feel like such an outcast. Hmm, maybe we are both rebels.
LOL - stash shopping is a pleasure & you found a couplea gems :)
Textile art is one of my passions (next to reading) and I cannot get enough of the threaded needle & possibilities
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