Remember that misadventure I had basting a quilt? It's taken me months to finish, but now all the pins are finally out, and it's all done. Here's a nice crooked picture to make you seasick. Note to self: learn to use a camera.My twins aren't the only twins in the neighborhood. We see these two all the time when we're driving around, but I never have my camera with me. Yesterday they came up our street. They don't have their cute white spots any more, but they're still small.
Here's their mom. She stared at me for a long time. I gave her the URL for How Do You Do It?
Wasabi girl is learning how to play her saxophone. Actually, I think I can say she learned to play the saxophone yesterday. She learned how to play the first three notes in band and she came home and spent hours working on them. By the time she was done, she was able to make a good sound.
Responses to comments from yesterday: And the blog button goes to
Beth, I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog - but don't get in trouble at work on my account! Laura, I love lip smackers! Got any Dr. Pepper flavored? Nancy, feel free to use the idea, it certainly helps me feel like I'm closing the loop with my commenters. Cheryl, you can bring the Love's Baby Soft, but don't forget we're going to play with our makeup later. noble pig, I hope the blankie helped! LOL. Eileen, you're welcome! Good N Crazy, go for it! Of course, I'm going to claim full credit when this takes off like wildfire all over the blogosphere. angie, you're welcome! Kelsey, thanks for stopping by!
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures!
6 hours ago
10 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Whoo Hoo for the sax and music education! May she always practice so diligently. :-)
Love your quilt. I have dabbled in quilting and I lose interest nearing completion and it ends up taking 6 months to do what will ultimately take 10 minutes.
Hi...great quilt, I'll take the platter too!!....I realized today I have 5 quilt tops that need to be finished!! ((( sigh )))
Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day when I was the featured blogger at SITS…I could hardly sleep the night before I was so excited!
Lee :)
Your quilt is so great. Wow, you are talented. Those twin bambis are there anything your kids can't do? :)
ha-ha. My photo editor has a feature where I can rotate by degree. I use it!
Your quilt turned out fabulous. reat colors.
And I am pretty sure I have that same platter.
Beautiful deer!
Vacation: 1 month
Lit & Laundry posts to catch up on: 30.
I may be here all day LOL
I gave you an award though so that will all even out when I don't get through those 30 blog posts, b/c, well, I'm sure you get this. The twins are out of bed so they may give me 5 minutes of uninterrupted blog time before losing their minds :)
I think your quilt looks phenomenal! Kuddos to you for setting your goals and accomplishing them.
Saxaphone players are so cool...she's all about the cool factor.
Great job on the quilt!! Good for her...the sax is one of the hardest instruments to play (you'd think I could play rather well with all the hot air comin out of my mouth, well ask the kids anyways)...Love the deer, so sweet, sad to see their spots go away!
I love that quilt, the colors just pop! You are truly talented, I can't sew a button.
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