Everyone comes home tomorrow. Wasabi Girl will be back from her adventure in the snow at Lake Tahoe. It was -9 degrees up there!
My husband and Jungle Boy will drive back from their adventure in a cabin in the woods. According to Jungle Boy, they got up at 5am every morning to stake out a spot on the river in the cold and rain. The best part? The steelhead are "catch and release" on that river. What's the point??? I am completely free of any jealousy about that trip. When last we spoke (I think my husband found cell phone coverage by climbing a tree) they hadn't caught anything.
Drama Girl has spent the week in Los Angeles with her aunt and uncle. They've been shopping, celebrity hunting, and hanging out. Her hair is a new color - with my blessing. I'll ask her if I can post pictures. It's not a color usually found in hair.
I can tell from their phone calls that each kid has had an exhilarating week of semi-independence. No mom to tell them to pick up their socks. No dull routine. No music practice. Plenty of new things to see and experience. I couldn't be happier for them.
I'm inclined to think, though, that I had the best vacation of all. A week in a quiet house. No nagging. No driving all over the place. No cooking elaborate meals and shoveling laundry. Just me and the cats. I sewed and read and napped. I played on the wii and finished off the Christmas pie. I listened to my music.
I can't stand it any more. They need to come home now. Don't tell them I said that.
Hope and Love Progress
2 days ago
2 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Hi, I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for following my blog! Hope to see you there again soon.I love your blog it's so cute. :)
Taylor~ http://allthingshistoricalfiction.blogspot.com/
Funny you should mention no shoveling laundry. Guess what you will be doing for the next few days...
Sounds like your alone vacation was wonderful. Happy New Year!
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