Friday, August 17, 2012

Catching up

Vacation is over. Most of the family is home again, and the laundry room  is a busy place.

The word for the day is "catch up."  Okay, two words.  Not just on laundry but emails, paper mail, weeds in the garden, and back-to-school shopping.

Of course none of that looks as fun to do as putting my feet up and doing some stitching.  My projects will just have to wait a bit.  The sunburst above was a free pattern from Tiny Modernist.

I'm also way behind visiting blog friends.  Do you ever get the urge to hit that "mark all as read" button on your reader?  Seems like a great way to cheat and catch up without actually catching up.

Off to fold laundry.  What are you up to today?

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Melissa said...

I hit a couple of big house-cleaning days earlier in the week and I am avoiding the yard - tomorrow? maybe?

I am going to take the dogs for a walk and write letters.

Laura said...

I'm with you on the catch up. We just finished new international student orientation and I have so much to do here at home now that I'm not working 14 hour days!

Anonymous said...

I am also catching up, sometimes I feel like I never get caught up!

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