Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Feeling like a Pumpkin Head

It's been a great week around here, thanks in no small part to Pinterest.

First, Wasabi Gril tried out a pinned recipe for Pumpkin Pie Smoothies.  The result was okay, but not quite pumpkin-ish pie-ish enough for us.  So she altered it.  Here is her version.  I HIGHLY recommend it!

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie:
(2 servings)

1 banana
2/3 cup canned pumpkin (not the pie filling)
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
1 cup vanilla almond milk
8-ish ice cubes
generous amount of pumpkin pie spice

Mix together in a blender and add a dollop of whipped cream on top.

Let me know if you like it.  You can see the original pin we started with here.

Of course, once she had a taste for pumpkin pie, Wasabi girl started begging me to make a pie.  You know what happens in this house if you are an able-bodied 14-year old asking for pie?  Mom hands you the can of pumpkin and a pie dish.  She made her very first pie.  Here is a picture just minutes after it came out of the oven:

Didn't last long.  That's what happens when you have 3 teenagers in the house. 

What goes with pie?  Pumpkin Spice Lattes!  And since we were going crazy in the kitchen with the canned pumpkin, why not a whole batch of Pumpkin Spice Latte Muffins?

Well it was a whole batch.  Did I mention I have three teenagers in the house?  These are just insanely delicious.    You can find the awesome recipe over at Cookin' Canuck.   Go print it out right now.  You'll thank me later.  This was another pinterest find.  My family is starting to really enjoy my interest in pinterest.

Finally, another bit of pumpkin creativity that didn't involve calories.  I finished up "Blossom."

Jungle Boy was happy to model it for me.  It's the right size for a wall quilt, but it's made from really cozy flannels, so I think this one's going to live draped over a chair for snuggling up with a book.

You can find my pinterest boards here.  Are you on pinterest?  I'd love to come see your pins!

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

That quilt is so cute! Did you find the pattern on a quilting blog? I'd love to see (and I'm always looking for great quilting blogs to follow).

Mmmm, I'll have to keep those Pumpkin Spice Latte muffins in mind.

Melissa said...

I had a pumpkin pie smoothie that didn't thrill me, maybe I will have to try Wasabi Girl's.

Blossom turned out sweet!!

Joy Weese Moll said...

Love all the ways to express pumpkin-ness!

I came over from Trish's round-up of Pin It and Do It Challenge posts. Great job on the challenge!

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