Here is my progress on the first of 12 Christmas houses I'll be working on this year. Guess which color was backordered? I just got the hazelnut for the house so I'll start on that today. Then I'll get started on the next one, which connects up just to the right. At the end of the year, if I keep up, it will be a village of 3 rows of 4 houses each. The pattern is by Country Cottage Needleworks.
Christmas at our house is all packed up. I just have a mug full of leftover candy canes on the counter. I also need to list out all the Christmas cards we received so I make sure to include everybody next year.
I haven't started decorating for Valentine's Day yet, even though the stores are full of stuff and I have quilts and decorations I can get out. The house looks absolutely empty. It needs to breathe and rest a little after the long string of holidays.
The kids are finally back at school. Drama Girl is all signed up for her SAT test in a few weeks. I'm still in complete denial that all this is happening. She did well on her PSAT and there are many chances to retake the SAT if she wants to improve her score.
Saw "Les Miserables" with the family over the break. I think it's one of those 'love it or hate it' type films. I absolutely loved it. Worth the admission and the long length just to see Anne Hathaway. Have you seen it?
Needlework Tuesday is hosted by Heather at
Books and Quilts. Be sure to visit today and see her wonderful triangle block tutorial.
2 people stopped folding laundry to write:
While I was putting away the xmas decorations, I noted the needlepoint pillow/ornament decorations my sister made me. I'm going to get all my mom's old needlework supplies (her hands cannot manage needlework anymore) and make some more for the tree next Christmas.
What a great project, love the little santa house :)
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