Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Joy of Returning

Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime
When I was a new mother I felt there was always so much emphasis on keeping baby books - first steps, first words, etc.  With three babies in the house I never was able to keep much track of that stuff.  What I didn't realize is that there are some momentous firsts that nobody ever tells you about, and there are no pretty scrapbooks for.   Falling in love with Mr. Rochester for the first time is one of them. 

The conversation from the comic strip happened a few days ago. I'm getting the play-by-play of what's happening to dear Jane.  I've always loved this book and to watch Wasabi Girl discover it has been wonderful.  I'm not sure how she's managed to stay unaware of the plot for so long.  I've watched various versions of the movie but I guess she didn't watch them with me.

She is totally in love with Mr. Rochester and told me proudly that she knew he was the fortune teller all along.  We agreed that we dislike Blanche Ingram.  I am savoring every chapter she tells me about. 

Drama Girl, on the other hand, seldom reads books I suggest to her.  She has little patience right now for the classics.  She did, however, curl up with The Hobbit one rainy day and concedes that it was a very good read. I hold out hope that we'll have some overlapping taste in books.

In the meantime I can hardly wait to gently open more doors for Wasabi Girl.  When she recovers from Mr. Rochester she'll be ready to meet Heathcliff.  *sigh*

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Cheryl Lage said...

How wonderful! How very, very wonderful! She-Twin got "To Kill a Mockingbird" for Christmas....hoping for a similar experience! ;)

Love to you and your crew!

Melissa said...

This whole post made me chuckle in the best sort of way. Isn't it fun to watch your children learn to appreciate the good things. I loved watching my children laugh while watching (the real deal) A Midsummer's Night Dream.

Unknown said...

I can't wait for my kids to be old enough to read my favorites books! Right now the oldest is just learning to read. :)

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