But as Elizabeth Bennet would say all that is behind us now. My pride and her prejudice have reconciled over this wonderful event.
Funny thing, the whole family kept it a secret from me that she was auditioning for this. I knew she was trying out for a production, but she never really answered questions about it and let me think it was another student-written play.
Guess who's studying every page of the book now?
I'm trying so hard not to gloat. All I can say is, watch out Mr. Darcy; if anyone was born to play the smart, bookish, opinionated Elizabeth, it's Drama Girl.
Here's another picture of the sampler hanging by my harp:
2 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Oh - funny, funny, funny. Yeah for success both Mom and Daughter's.
Can't wait to see her in costume!!
Pride and Prejudice, best book ever written. I hope you're only laughing on the inside.
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