Friday, February 15, 2013

Rabbits Prefer Chocolate - Done!

This project has been rather epic.  I started it years ago and have chipped away at it off and on.  It's an Easter quilt really, but I'm hanging it on my wall now.

The pattern is "Rabbits Prefer Chocolate" by Bunny Hill Designs.  You can get it here.  The rabbit shapes are based on antique chocolate molds.

I added a Ghirardelli chocolate ribbon as a scarf to one of my bunnies.  It's a San Francisco chocolate company, for those who haven't heard of it.  Of course I was careful to pick off all the stray threads before I took pictures and here you go - stray thread on his car.  It's gone now.

There are lots of embroidery and buttons and ribbons and ric-rac details.  I could probably go on embellishing this one forever but it's time to stop and move on to the next project.

Doing the happy dance now that this one is done!

5 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Rosemary said...

You've created another beautiful quilt. I love the scarf detail.

Heather said...

It's very beautiful. So happy to enjoy your finished project. I know what you mean about the embellishings, I've been caught up in that a few times.

Anonymous said...

I love it!!

Melissa said...

Love the bunny standing beneath the tulip.

Tami said...

This is beautiful. And I love the Ghirardelli ribbon - the perfect touch.

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