Saturday, June 21, 2008

Conversations at my house

"Mom, can I go to this party at LaserQuest?"
"Who's throwing it?"
"Wow, he's on the basketball team and the track team - he's going to really be good at Laser Quest"
"Don't worry mom, I know how to play; just team up with a partner then turn on them. Shoot them in the back a lot when they're not looking."
"Whoa. Just like in real life."


"Mom! There's no peanut butter! We're out of FOOD!"


"I'm so hungry I could eat a french fry."
"I'm so hungry I could eat a fried Frenchman, but that would be cannibalism, and we're not supposed to talk about that any more."
"Napoleon was French. He never changed his underwear. He had the dirtiest underwear ever."


"I'm going to have to make that a rule. No playing with your spit. And I mean it."


"Nobody puts fish *on* their mashed potatoes!"
"I do, it's called 'fishatos.'"

7 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Anonymous said...

You should write a one liner book with those doozies...hilarious.

Cheryl Lage said...

Those are awesome!

Yesterday at the pool with our kids (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, BTW!), we were eating some adorable Chinese animal crackers. Darren had a badger, and thought it was too cute to consume...before I even could think how it sounded, as the cookie got more and more pool soggy, I said, "Darren, you put that badger in your mouth right now!"

Motherhood. The things we never thought we'd say...

How was Kung Fu Panda?

Anonymous said...

Hysterical :)

I'd love to know how Kung Fu Panda was as well. My hubby wants to see that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember those type conversations.
I enjoyed my visit with you today and thanks for stopping by to visit me.
Have a great weekend.

Jocasta said...


Anonymous said...

Thats too funny! This had me on the ground laughing lol

Scary Mommy said...

Some of the best lines I've read!!

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