Sunday, December 7, 2008

Five things I learned from Blogging

Laura of Catholic Teacher Musings tagged me for this meme months ago. I'm just that tardy in getting around to things. I'm sure on her mental blogger report card I'm receiving a failing grade for not turning in my assignments. I may be out of school, but I still have a healthy fear of teachers and bad marks on my permanent record, so here goes.

  1. I am free here. Writing is available to me. I am not constrained by format, length, tone, or deadline. I will not receive a red pen mark for putting that comma before the "or" in the previous sentence. As someone who has spent professional years writing correspondence and trip reports, I find this liberation intoxicating. The lesson I have learned from this freedom is that writing can actually be fun.
  2. My words have value to me. This blog has, from the beginning, been primarily designed as a way for me to record family moments both large and trivial. My photo albums are bursting, but only tell part of the story. These words for my future self are as insignificant as a moment, but add up to tell another part of the story of our days.
  3. I am not alone. I wont lie - going from a full-time career to being a stay-at-home mom was an enormously difficult transition for me. But by wandering through the blogs of other moms, and reading the comments people leave for me, I have gained self-assurance and a sense of place. I can still find intelligent conversation; it just isn't at the latte machine at work any more (oh do I miss that machine!).
  4. Days fly by faster than I ever realized. I now notice the cycle of weeks as I prepare a vintage thing for every Thursday and finish something for every Friday. I post on How Do You Do It? every other Monday, and those sometimes feel as if they are only a day or two apart. Blogging gives me a different perspective on my calendar, and makes me appreciate each day.
  5. You can get something for nothing. This amazes me. I have only entered a few blog giveaways, but I've won an astounding percentage of them. I feel blessed to receive packages full of goodies from total strangers. And this reminds me that I should do my own again soon.
So that is my list. I'm supposed to tag a few more, but I'm so lost and confused about who I've tagged for what that I'm going to pass this along to anybody who wants it. If you choose to do this meme, leave a note in the comments and I'll give your blog a shoutout on StumbleUpon. Consider it a little bloggy giveaway straight from me to you.

What has the elf been up to?

Our tree is up, and the house smells like Christmas now. Duncan the elf seems to have been playing in the box of ornaments.

10 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Laura said...

Failing grade?
No no my friend.
I have NO room to talk as far as unanswered MEMES are concerned. I am so behind that I'm afraid to scroll back and find out how many I'm supposed to do.
This is a wonderful list of the perks of blogging.

Anonymous said...

Great list!

I was hoping to get our tree this weekend, but the weather was AWFUL. Hopefully we'll get it this week.

Anonymous said...

I love that little elf...lurve him! So much fun over there!

Cheryl Lage said...

Never fear ThreeUnder, similarly tagged by the Divine Ms. Laura for the self-same meme (at the self-same time) guess who runs further behind STILL? If she grades on the bell curve, you'll rightly fare better than I.

Love the list, and "second" that for so much of what you have said! (But WILL complete the meme in its entirety...when? I dunno...)

Lidian said...

I love your list, and your blog too. But you already knew that! :)

I like not feeling alone, too. It is very nice, particularly for us quiet types.

Scary Mommy said...

Awesome list! I love this bloggy world too, and not feeling so alone. :)

Browndirtcottage said...

here little elf......i have some nice candy...

Browndirtcottage said... above comment might not sound to good....what i mean is to lure him away to my house to come be mischievious

debi9kids said...

I could've written that exact list! (aside from the job you worked...) But, I find all those things about blogging to be exactly why I too blog :)

Yippee! On the house smelling like Christmas! Only thing better than that is a freshly bathed baby :)

Christy said...

I love your blog! Though, you are way more ambitious than I ... but I do love to stop by esp to see what Duncan has been up to!! I love the reason's you blog! They ring so true. I would say that I will try to do a post about why I blog... soon... maybe by Thursday? stop by then and check it out!

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