The twins went off to outdoor school yesterday. Off for a week in the woods to learn about things like the water cycle, eat "eggs that glow in the dark" (according to Drama Girl) and take semi-scary hikes in the middle of the night. I remember my own adventures at outdoor school fondly.
One of the skills my kids have long mastered is the art of packing a bag. All I had to say over the weekend was "get out your luggage and pack it" and they did. Of course I had to run through my mental list with Jungle Boy after he emerged from his room wheeling his packed bag.
"Did you pack 5 pairs of underwear and socks?"
"Yes mom." (insert very bored, eye-rolling type voice)
"an extra sweatshirt?"
"yes mom"
"a book to read?" "yes" "a pencil to fill in your workbooks?" "yes" "5 shirts?" "hiking boots?" "toothpaste?" "yes, yes and yes"
"stationery and stamps?"
"mom, I'm going to be gone for 4 days. I'm not going to write to you."
Brutally honest, but a mom can hope.
"a camera?"
Real eye-rolling at this point. "I'm not going to take any pictures!"
"a book to read at quiet time?"
"yes mom, you already asked that"
I wracked my brains. "cards?"
"Oh! Great idea. I'll pack some cards."
"I knew you'd forget something."
I don't even have to quiz Wasabi Girl. I know that not only has she packed a toothbrush, she has probably packed extra floss and the phone number of the dentist just in case she needs it. If other kids forgot to bring anything to camp my kids could probably offer extra supplies to last a week.
Tuesday morning came, and I packed them up in the minivan, and dropped them at school with their tidy luggage and sleeping bags. Other students arrived with massive duffel bags and even garbage bags stuffed to overflowing with supplies for the week. My kids looked like those efficient flight attendants who wheel their little luggage past the masses who are struggling with unwieldy pieces you know wont fit well in the overhead compartment. A kiss from Wasabi Girl, a "see ya!" from Jungle Boy, and they disappeared into the throng of excited 5th graders in front of the school. The buses were due to load up and take them away later in the morning.
I came home to watch the inauguration. The whole spectacle fascinated me. Among my favorite moments was watching the back-door of the white house as trucks pulled up to load one set of boxes and unload another. It must take a small army to move one family out and another one in in a matter of hours. I was happy to hear that Mrs. Obama insists that the girls make their own beds. I bet they're already expert suitcase-packers themselves.
The Maker and The Needle Progress
1 day ago
7 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Outdoor school?? That sounds like a blast! We never did anything like that when I was in school! Of course we moved a lot & I never really stayed in one school long enough to find out probably....
What a great post and I loved the suitcase packing hints and the cute comparison to flight attendants. I too watch the moving to and from the White House with some fascination. The White House staff has no outside help and one small elevator. I think moving is right up there with childbirth and passing kidney stones on my Fun-O-Meter but it looks like they no what they were doing.
I would make my bed too if I knew the Jonas Brothers were waiting for me in the next room! Ha! Those sweet, lucky girls! And I am impressed about your kids packing skills! Mine would bring only toys.
So enamored am I with the li'l Obama girls....knowing they make their beds (at their mama's insistence) brings me hope indeed.
LOVE your kids' packing are a fine mama.
(and I'd try for the stationery and stamps too...hope springs eternal...)
So neat, this outdoor skills camp should be taught to every kid for 5 days. Nature is amazing. Our school
only had a 2 day (during school hours) bus trip.
im always amazed at the differences early on between boys and girls. My oldest girl is the same way... packs everything but the kitchen sink! The boy... Im lucky if he remembers socks, undies, and clothes! LOL
My daughter informed me that she would try and make her bed, or at least "fix her blankets" every morning because "the president says you have to"!
Also, I too enjoyed watching the moving vans. I'm not sure why; it just really struck me!
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