Sunday, March 28, 2010


funny pictures of cats with captions

I'm out of town this week with the family. I have a few posts pre-scheduled, and Finished for Friday will appear without a finish from me. You will have to supply the finished projects!

Wild tales of our adventures to follow - although I plan to do a lot of what that cat in the picture is doing.

What was your favorite vacation? We're off to a new destination with our kids this time and my fingers are crossed that we all enjoy it (although I'm pretty sure we will!)

4 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Alisa said...

Have fun, stay safe! We still have a week before we get to vacate. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Elizabeth said...

That looks like the perfect vacation! Hope you get lots of relaxation and rejuvination!

Branlaadee said...

I hope you guys have a great time!

My favorite vacation spot is the Spindrift Inn on Cannery Row in Monterey. We spent a whole day in our room watching the otters play in the ocean from our window seat!

Edie Mindell said...

Hi, it's great to have time for a family vacation. I guess, every family wants it even for just a few days. It is very relaxing on our part as parents, and we get to bond with the whole family. Isn't it great? I usually bring lots of family bonding favors that we get to enjoy.

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