The calendar says it's officially Fall now. The weather, however, has finally decided to act like summer.
Here in the San Francisco Bay area, we've had one of the coldest summers on record. I was really tempted to turn the heat on a few times, especially at night.
September and October are usually our most beautiful months, and now, at the end of September, the temperature is in the 90s and I feel like I'm finally thawing out. Forget planting bulbs outside until at least December - they don't keep cool enough to stay dormant until Spring.
So I'm putting on shorts and having my first iced tea of the year, and I'm not going to complain about the heat. I love it.
How about you - enjoying Indian summer, or feeling the first twinges of autumn?
A Family Conversation
1 day ago
5 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Now I know you're crazy! I've been enjoying the unusually cool weather this summer. The heat down here in So Cal is blistering! I want some nice fall weather. Although then I'll complain about the blusteriness.
Is that even a word?
Glad somebody is enjoying this heat wave.
I'm just up north from you in San Carlos and I'm not happy with this heat wave - really, really, truly don't like it. Give me those wonderful months of cool summer - I was very grateful for the summer we experienced.
Oh, we had the hottest summer in Texas! Now it's highs in the eighties, and I am so happy! It's beautiful!
So I JUST saw the CRAZY heat wave you all are experiencing in CA! HOLY SMOKES!
Your resilience (and appreciation of iced tea) Makes My Monday!
(Thank you for playing along!)
It has been hot here hasn't it. Although I think it's going to cool down by this weekend, thankfully.
Although I was very grateful for the hot weather last weekend for the twins birthday party, which was outdoors. I panicked a little up until the day worried that we might be rained out :).
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