Monday, November 15, 2010

Makes My Monday: Postcard from a Secret Friend

This postcard came last week.  On the back is a note to my kids, signed "Harry."  There is a Hogwarts stamp and it's postmarked "Hogsmeade."  It's fabulous.  Such a fun surprise.

My kids have no idea who it's from, but the handwriting looks quite similar to that of a friend of mine.  Probably just a coincidence.

Characters, whether real or fictional, who think of my kids from far away Make My Monday.  To see more Monday-makers, visit Cheryl at Twinfatuation.  And play along!  It's a great way to focus on something happy at the beginning of the week.

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Unknown said...

Oh, I love it! If I had a postcard from Harry Potter, that would really make my monday too!

Cheryl Lage said...

Okay, now that is WAY perfect to receive in the post! ;)

Can hardly wait to show He-Twin who will appreciate it greatly.

Thank you for playing along and Making My Monday!

Becca said...

That's so cool! What kid wouldn't love that?

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