Welcome back to Finished for Friday. I'm figuring out our routine again now that there are no more Nutcracker rehearsals or gymnastics meets for this season. I think I got a little too relaxed over vacation - I have to keep checking my calendar to remember when to pick everyone up.
I've put away the last of the Christmas decorations and cooked a lot of nice warm stews and soups to keep everyone warm and cozy during this cold weather. It's been perfect weather to sit by the fire and read.
The Black Moth
The story is a bit of a swashbuckler, featuring a highwayman with a secret identity, kidnappings, Dukes and Earls and the women they love, and of course, an inheritance to claim. The characters are charming and well described and it is a very impressive first effort. I can't wait to read more by this author. Her writing style and attention to period detail made this book hard to put down.
Have a Kindle, or the Kindle app on your computer/phone/ipad/ipod etc? I recommend this bargain for some mid-winter escapism.
What have you been up to this week? Link up and leave a comment. Thanks for playing along!
7 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Wow, she was just 17 when she wrote it! I haven't finished anything this week but I did start making an ornament from a cross stitch that's been around for a year now. I hope to hang it on my tree in 2017.
Thanks for hosting again this week, great to have you back!
I spent my week dealing with bronchitis -- and reading Phillippa Gregory. I finished The Constant Princess and started The Other Boleyn Girl.
I just discovered Gregory a few months ago and am really enjoying her books
Yes, Georgette Heyer is a great historical romance author. Black Moth is far from her best novel, but as a first attempt and at 17 years old when she wrote it I believe it's quite a remarkable book. The attention to detail she paid at 17 when writing this book just gets better as she gets older and more experienced.
I hope you enjoy all her other works too.
I'm just impressed that you have all your Christmas decorations put away!
Haven't read her yet but can second the nomination for Phillipa Gregory. Thanks for the heads up - I'll add her book to my to read list.
In August I read my first two by Georgette, Venetia and Sylvester or the Wicked Uncle. I certainly intend to read more by her. I didn't realize that there was a challenge.
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