Monday, January 10, 2011

Makes My Monday: Musical Clothes

I came late to the ipod party.  I've always had a lot of cds and I never saw the need for an ipod until another blogger pointed out that it was a great way to archive an entire collection.  Now that I have one, I don't know how I ever lived without it.

But I've never been a huge fan of those little earbuds.  I tend to put my ipod into a speaker dock.

Look what I found while waiting for a daughter to try on clothes.   A "techno hoodie."  For some reason I find this infinitely more appealing than the omnipresent white cords that attach to everyone's ears.  The ear buds are built into the strings of the hood, and the headphone jack is in the pocket. 

Look out world.  I'm going to be listening to Mahler while I do my grocery shopping.  Because I'm cool like that.

To see more happy thoughts for Monday, visit Cheryl at Twinfatuation.  Better still - play along and find something to smile about to start the week.

6 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Alisa said...

That's great! I have to admit, I am i-pod-less.
Enjoy your grocery shopping now.

Life As I Know It said...

I saw those at Old Navy recently...pretty cool!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! I want one! I rarely listen to my ipod because I have to keep my ears open for the kids. In a few years though, I won't have to do that (I think?) and will be able to listen to whatever I want as I sew away my time!

Cheryl Lage said...

ThreeUnder, our similarities ALWAYS Make My Monday! Embarrassingly, I've yet to join the iPod possessors, just a few weeks ago finally caving in to get a knock-off MP3 player that I have YET to place any songs upon! You are a motivator, who ALWAYS Makes My Monday...thank you for playing along!

slow panic said...

I saw those and thought about trying one -- but OK, I was to lazy to walk in the store and buy it....

The Mother said...

I couldn't survive without my ipod. With the Great Courses playing in my earbuds.

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