Here is my update for the TUSAL ("totally useless stitchalong) hosted by Daffycat. These are my orts for January. I think I'll do what others are doing and empty these into a bigger jar and use this one again for February.
Does this make me a hoarder? I confess I sometimes watch that show through Netflix and it's fascinating, maybe because I worked with people with mental illness. I just want to get them some help. And I really want them to throw out their junk.
At least I acknowledge my sewing clippings are useless. And I will throw them out. Drama Girl wanted to save the big collection from last year but she forgot about it and I tossed them. I think some people put them out in the spring for birds to use to build nests. That must make for some colorful nests.
Hope you're having a great weekend. It's not too late to link up to Finished for Friday!
Backyard Eggs
8 hours ago
4 people stopped folding laundry to write:
Oh, I need to do this. Honestly every time I throw those little scraps and pieces of thread away I feel guilty. It is so stupid. But I think there must be something really creative I could do with them. I have no problem cleaning out the fridge, throwing out leftovers, maybe before they need to go, giving away clothes I could still wear, but it KILLS ME to toss the fabric scraps and threads
Nice job.
My clump of orts ended up taking the shape of the container so I made a rectangular tribble and it sits on my desk. I still need to hit it with spray adhesive to keep it together. My original plans was to use it as stuffing for a project.
One of my friends told me that you shouldn't throw out your floss for the birds because it's cotton and holds water and can damage the nest.
I have a ton of orts. Mine are just at the bottom of my sewing basket, wrapped around my scissors.
A lovely TU update!
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