Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Hidden Messages in Food

It's the first day of school so I got up a little early to make a blueberry coffee cake.  I hope my kids get the hidden message.  The twins are starting 8th grade and Drama Girl is a sophomore in high school this year.  Wow.  Let's not get started on how time flies.  I'm just going to keep baking coffee cakes until they're out the door forever.

4 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Melissa said...

Okay - I won't get started - but I could!!

Anti-Supermom said...

So sweet, and what a great tradition!

Claremont First Ward said...

I love that you baked them this cake. Do you have the recipe? My kids would LOVE this and they start on Monday. Time sure flies, doesn't it?

Branlaadee said...

No more kids in school for me. First day of school is just like all the rest now...except more traffic since the local high school is 2 blocks away. :) I still cook and bake for them though. ;)

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