Friday, August 26, 2011

Finished for Friday: Fat Squirrel

This is one of the blocks for Anne Sutton's block of the month "Henrietta Whiskers."  The quilt has a lot of squirrels on it and this one seems to have eaten too many acorns already.

I still need to add a little embroidery and there will be small buttons in the center of the wheels.  The acorns and scarf are felted wool.  To see the free patterns, visit her blog here.

I'm on a roll with applique now.  I'm enjoying it more as I'm getting better at it.

What have you been up to this week?  Link up and show us your accomplishments.  Have a great weekend!

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5 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Patty said...

This is so cute! I love her little mining car full of acorns. I hope this block is for the quilt you're making me. (I can dream.)

Patty said...

It says 3 entries so far but I cannot figure out how to see them.

Melissa said...

Cute and very funny....

Threeundertwo said...

I can't see the links now either. This is driving me nuts.

Branlaadee said...

Cute! I love the squirrel! I was walking around the lake today and did my chtsh chtsh (cant figure out how to spell the noise I make when I see squirrels LOL) and the squirrel came charging at me and stopped about a foot away! I thought he was going to take me down. Ha!

And how come you get all the good captchas?? Mine is nonsense!

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