Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WIP Wednesday: Henrietta

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Today's Work in Progress is my "Henrietta Whiskers" quilt.  Here are the mostly completed blocks up on my design wall:

Most of them have a little sticky note reminding me what embroidery and buttons I still need to add.  Please excuse the mess on my sewing table below.  See how I carefully hide my Costco-sized tin of Almond Roca under some quilt blocks?  Now you know where my candy stash is.  You can also see my wood plaque with my favorite motto above my design wall.

This is the next block.  The wool pieces are pinned on and ready to applique.  I accidentally stitched the chimney a little wonky because I was watching a particularly exciting moment in Downton Abbey at the time.  Then I decided I liked it that way.  (Or I was lazy - you guess for yourself).  Who lives in this house anyway?  The squirrels?  The big acorn in the lower left of the quilt also has a door (and will have the word "Home" embroidered on the cap) so I don't know who lives here.  I think I spend too much time trying to analyze the story behind these scenes.

WIP Wednesday is hosted by Freshly Pieced

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

KimT said...

love the quilt and I love Downton Abby! So I understand!

Lynette said...

I like the chimney wonky, too! Puts life in the block. ;D

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