Monday, October 1, 2012

Can't Wait Any More

Halloween has never been my favorite holiday.  But I do like whimsical Halloween images.  And somehow, I've managed to make a ridiculous number of Halloween quilts.  How do these things happen?

As summer comes to a close, I put off getting out the Halloween decor as long as I can.  Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas come and go like a whirlwind, so why be in a hurry to get it all started?

Because besides being a season that's busy, it's a season about family, and traditions, and fun, and well, let's face it, pumpkin-flavored everything.

I couldn't stand the anticipation any more, so this weekend Wasabi Girl helped me get out the Halloween decorations and hang the quilts.  I love my Halloween quilts.

Especially this quilt with a quilt shop on it.

It may not be my favorite holiday, but it's time for pumpkin lattes and all the seasonal traditions.  I'm ready!

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Melissa said...

Love all the embroidery - the black work is great - all very autumnal...

Pumpkin oatmeal - here I come. :)

Jayne said...

Love the embroidered quilt shop, fabulous!

Tami said...

Fabulous embroidery work. Love the quilt with a quilt shop. :)

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