Friday, January 2, 2015

Cross Stitch Crazy 2015

I'm looking forward to starting new projects and going on new creative adventures this year.  I've joined a facebook group that's challenging members to start new projects each day for the first 15 days of the year.  There are projects I've wanted to do, but they'll never get anywhere if I don't get them started.

So here is the January 1 start:  "Once Upon A Time" by Frosted Pumpkin.  This is a fairly big piece, with fairy tale scenes for each month.  January features Snow White.  Isn't she cute?

I have been busy with various other projects over the holidays. 

This is the latest in the Animal Advent series.  Isn't she adorable?  I'm behind on these, but I've included them in my 15 starts for the new year so I'll get back to them soon.

Drama Girl leaves for her semester in Scotland tomorrow.  I'll take down the Christmas decorations after she leaves.  Then the house will feel so empty!  I'm glad to have some projects to distract me so I don't get glum.  I will miss her so much.

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Justine said...

That must be the first actual "2015" finish! Well done. I love the colours in Snow White.

Suburban Correspondent said...

January is my favorite month for starting projects! I started 3 today, in fact.

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