Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The First Glimpse of Pumpkins

Here is the project I'm working on today.  Some of the leaves are wool, so you can see the basting still in the one in the upper right.  Now that I've taken a picture of it, the 5 looks a bit wonky.  It seems a little tilted.  This always happens to me, placement that looks great right under my nose looks a little off when I step back.

The pattern is "Cinderella Pumpkins" from Fig Tree Quilts.

The air is definitely cooler today, so pumpkin season can't be far.  I found these at Target yesterday: 

Pumpkin spice latte m&ms.  Definitely delicious.  I might have to go hoard a few bags to keep me going through the season.

Linking up today with WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

3 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Anita said...

Oh this is beautiful! I love it! Yes, it is getting cooler. I hope my corn and tomatoes are ready before frost! (Visiting from WIP Wednesday.)

Rebecca Grace said...

Yes, the 5 is ever so slightly tilted, but I actually like it that way. I can't verbalize why, but I do. As for the pumpkin food references... Well, now you have me wondering whether Starbucks has their pumpkin bread yet. It's back in the nineties today in Charlotte NC and it doesn't feel even a smidge like fall, but now I can't stop thinking about pumpkin bread, pumpkin bars, and pumpkin pie! Your applique is lovely.

threadbear said...

I have this pattern but as much as I would like to, I can't start it right now. Yours looks fantastic! And thanks for the tip about the m&ms.

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