Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tiny Turkey

I took a break yesterday from my afghan to stitch up this little guy.  The pattern as a free one I found here.  I switched around the colors to use up some leftover hand-dyed floss.  I think he's cute.  I'll make a tiny ornament out of him and throw him in with this month's bowl fillers in my entry hall.

I'm pretty sure if an alien landed at my house right now and looked around, he would come to the conclusion that we worship turkeys.  Pumpkins would be considered demi-gods.  I have pictures of turkeys, quilts with turkeys on them, a vintage turkey planter, turkey plates.  It's not my fault.  I just add one or two little things each year and they accumulate.  And all the turkey and fall decorations give a break from the spookiness of Halloween and before the Christmas craziness.

I keep passing by all the turkeys for sale in the grocery store.  It feels too early to get one now, but usually by the time I'm in the mood to get one they get pretty picked over.  I always try to find a smallish bird.  I like leftovers, but not huge amounts.

Gobble gobble, oh mighty bird!  You will be delicious.

Do you put out any Thanksgiving decorations?

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

slow panic said...

i am not a good halloween or thanksgiving decorator. i just skip straight to christmas. holding off until the day after thanksgiving though. we go to the beach for thanksgiving so if inure why bother.

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