Saturday, May 4, 2019

Where Are They Now? Part 2

Drama Girl was 11 years old when I started this blog in 2008. We were struggling with the issue of her messy room and celebrating her love of Harry Potter books. My how she's grown!

She's traveled the world - exceeding her goal of 21 countries before her 21st birthday. Better still, she figured out ways to work while she traveled, doing things such as teaching English, so that she managed to pay for almost all of it herself. (Mom says yay!)

She graduated from a college that has a castle just like Hogwarts and finished her degree in three years. (Mom says yay again!) She just got accepted into a fully-funded (Mom is delirious with yays) three-year program to get her MFA in writing. She'll be teaching the next generation and passing on her love of books. Her students will be very lucky.

Everything I could have hoped and dreamed for her is coming true and I couldn't possibly be prouder. Not only is she reaching high and achieving her goals, she has blossomed into a compassionate, fierce, spectacular woman. I'm glad we're friends.

Her room still tends to be pretty messy though.

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Loralynn said...

I'm so happy for her! And for the fact that Mom can say "yay" so much!

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