Thursday, November 29, 2012

Art Deco Beauty

I haven't participated in Vintage Thingie Thursday for a while, but today I feel so lucky to have found this beautiful plate. 

It's a Homer Laughlin official souvenir plate from the International Golden Gate Exposition.  This one is from 1939.  I looked around online and there is another that is identical except the seal in the middle has 1940.  The artwork around the edge is just beautiful.

There is a purple elephant with flags behind him and various flames around him.


Also a stylized view of sunset through the Golden Gate bridge.  California poppies are all around the inner rim.

I'm glad that when I dropped some old things off at the thrift store today I took a few minutes to go inside!  This is a nice addition to my collection.

See more Vintage things at Coloradolady

1 people stopped folding laundry to write:

LV said...

It is indeed a collector's find. I Have seen a lot of homer Laughlin dishes but none like this. It is getting very popular again. Nice post.

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