Friday, October 10, 2008

Finished for Friday

I'm going to start holding myself accountable for the stacks of unfinished projects around here. Here is the first, an ornament that I assembled yesterday. I'm afraid you're going to start seeing more and more little Christmas projects as the holiday gets closer.

I'm not sure what Mrs. Claus is holding - maybe an accordion? I think it's supposed to be something she baked. I love the vagueries of tiny needlepoint projects.

Let me know if you suffer from unfinished projects (of any kind) and maybe I'll start a blog carnival.

Hope you have a great, productive weekend.

10 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Gerb said...

I believe she is holding a basket of apples. Because you know Santa likes a good apple.

I have a very cute "Noel" pillow I started 2 years ago and haven't finished. Maybe I should get on that.

Cheryl Lage said...

I'm with Gerb, I think she is holding three apples, although I think those are her fingers rather than a basket. (and I'm hoping they're for Rudolph!)

Oh I've got tell when the carnival goes live... ;)

Dena said...

I have tons of unfinished scrapbooking projects. Not much of a sewer or needlepoint kinda gal, I'm more into paper projects, but I do have tons of them that need finished.

I also have a quilt that my best friend and I started the year before I got pregnant with my daughter. Needless to say, it hasn't been touched in over 2 years!

Des said...

I've been having the same thought on the UFO front. I decided that by showing my oldy moldy projects on the blog I'm motivated to get it done so that I can show the finished project as well. It's working so far. How could we carnival it up???!!!! Like Rio!!

Liz Jimenez said...

Ooh, I love it! Yay for finishing projects. I'm working on the first (of possibly 3) rag quilt today. It's a little one, so I should finish shortly...

Threeundertwo said...

I thought the red was part of her dress. I thought the stripes between her hands were a tray of something.

I'll put up a Mr. Linky next Friday, for everyone to show finishes or works in progress. Sounds like I'm not the only one who needs to get some things finished!

Burbank Babe said...

I have one unfinished project. My sister bought me stuff for a scrapbook for our trip to WDW two years ago. We;ve been back once since and we leave again in 19 days.

I have some of the pages half-done. I have some of the paper-stuff (ticket stubs, room keys, silly receipts) sort-of planned out.

But I did buy this awesome Isaac Mizrahi computer case bag to carry it all in. It just sits in my bedroom up against the dresser, mocking me.

Anonymous said...

I'm more than a year and a half behind in scrapbooking! :)

What A Card said...

Oh yes, I have unfinished projects! Most pressing: a Halloween costume. And also aprons for my boys that I cut the fabric for so long ago, I'm worried it'll be too small for them when I finally get them sewn!

Cute ornament, BTW :)

Elizabeth said...

Doesn't EVERONE have unfinished projects???
I've been doing a lot of crocheting for Christmas so far...the sewing comes next!
Blessings, E

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