Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Vintage Thingies Thursday: Winifred's Sacrifice

I have quite a few novels from the turn of the century, and this is one of my favorites. Not only do I like the cover, but it's a good read. It's by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon, copyright 1899. The pages are a little yellowed and brittle, but it's been well loved and cared for, and I think I know why.

Don't you just hate it when you're sitting in your opera box next to the elderly robber baron you were forced to marry to pay off your father's gambling debts and save his house on Long Island, when you look across and there in a box is the love of your life who you thought was killed by Indians way out West but was really found by a crazy old prospector who turned out to be distantly related to you?

That love of your life, who saved you when you were sleepwalking close to the edge of that cliff, but luckily he just happened to be walking by there in the middle of the night. The same dashing young man who saved you when you were careening down the hill in that runaway carriage that you jumped into to save the life of the baby inside.

What to do? You'll have to read the book yourself to find out. Here's a hint: it has a happy ending, thanks in part to the crazy old prospector.

For more vintage goodness, visit Confessions of an Apron Queen every Thursday.

21 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Jenny said...

Sounds like a great read! It sure is a pretty book.

Amy said...

lol what a hoot! I'd definitely read it!

Des said...

Oh, could you write MY book reviews? That was fabulous!! I love these oldy books too!

American Homemaker said...

That looks like a great book. I love the cover.

Lily Boot said...

Awesome :-) - I know just how she feels - only it wasn't Indians in my case but a great white shark. However, I wouldn't have known it WAS him sitting across from me at the opera as I lost my opera glasses when chased down a dark alley by a posse of desperados looking for beautiful women with parasols to sell to a Turkish sultan.

Anonymous said...

I love the name Winifred. It reminds me of Sr. Winifred from grade school.

Coloradolady said...

Love this. great book....I am sitting out on VTT this week, I already had a post scheduled and ran out of time....wanted to say hi.

Unknown said...

Beautiful book, and sounds like a great adventure story!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - don't you just hate that! Thanks for a fun post - I really love the cover of that book!

Ulla said...

They could use the plot for a soap opera today to make it more enjoyable! A really lovely cover picture, and what great literature inside.

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous cover...I adore vintage books, the older the better!

What A Card said...

Wow, that sounds like a good one! I wonder if they have it at my library!

Oh, disaster! I just checked the entire great Boston area library network, and they don't have it! In fact, they don't have a single book by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon. I'll just have to make up my own ending!

Anonymous said...

Boy now they really knew how to write suspense back then and what on the edge of a cliff excitement those people had ...everyday...
Love it!!
I love old books and the cover is fabulous...

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness- that is EXACTLY how I met my husband! How did you know? I have to find a copy of this book now!


Jamie @ Bungalow Bee said...

I love old books. You have me beat in that the oldest one I have is from 1900. I think they smell good and I love the drawings. Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl Lage said...

Whew...I'm so glad you elaborated on the true story behind that gorgeous cover...

The title had me thinking that Mrs. Georgie Sheldon was telling the tale of Winifred "gritting her teeth and thinking of Mother England" if you get my drift...

Melissa said...

I love old books and I especially love the cover of your book. And I have to admit that story is right up my alley. Nothing like a romantic novel that keeps you in suspense (great review by the way!)

Diane said...

LOVE old books! Beautiful cover. Thanks for the fun synopsis too. Now if I could juuuust find my own 1899 copy around here somewhere...

Anonymous said...

How ironic! That's exactly how I met my husband! lol. I really like old books too. Thanks for sharing. :)

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

I love these old books with the fabulous covers. Sounds like a good one!
Blessings to You!
Claudia O.

Elizabeth said...

OOOOOO. Sounds Good!
I have picked up some great old books, too. Such fun.
Pax, E

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