Sunday, June 14, 2009

Boy vs. Stage

Friday evening:

"I'm nervous mom."
"There's no reason to be, honey, you'll be fine."
"But what if I goof up?"
"Don't worry about it! There's no reason to be nervous!"
"Why do you keep saying that?"
"Because this is just a dress rehearsal. Really, there's no reason to be nervous. In fact, if you're going to goof up, this is a good day to do it."

Saturday evening:

"You were great honey! Were you nervous?"
"No, not really, but I only did triple pirouettes. I wanted to be sure to land them."
"That's fine dear. If you feel comfortable, you can always go for it at the matinee on Sunday. But it makes no difference whether you do a triple or a quadruple. You're still fabulous up there on stage."

Sunday afternoon

He nailed it. An awesome quadruple pirouette. I wanted to jump up and cheer like I used to do at his gymnastics meets. I knew he could do it.

I'm bursting with pride. Sometimes the most challenging obstacle is the one between your ears. I know what it took for him to conquer that.

6 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Trainer Shauna said...

What an adorable post! Congrats to your boy for having a great performance!

Bea said...

WTG, Jungle Boy! And Mom!

krissyh said...

Wow what a way to put it "the obstacle is the one between your ears" - so profound and true. He's so lucky to have a mother like you! Wish I could have been there but heard that both he and the other angel were amazing!

Colleen said...

Hi New to your blog - it's great! Congrats to your boy :)

Andrea's Sweet Life said...

How proud he must be! That is wonderful.

Nichelle said...

Congrats to your young dancer! I agree - great turn of phrase...obstacles between your ears. And what a great example of encouragement from you as a parent.

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