Thursday, July 9, 2009

Finished for Friday: Worms Alfredo

This week I finished up another block in my Halloween series. I'm getting nervous that I might not get the whole quilt done before Halloween.

"Worms Alfredo" is something my kids would say about my cooking.

Lit and Laundry

I also read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in anticipation of the movie opening next week. I had forgotten a lot of that book so I'm glad I picked it up again.

I also made an impassioned plea to the school board to continue funding for our local tutoring program. I'm not the most comfortable public speaker, but this is something I have worked for and I feel very strongly about. They did not take another vote on it this week, but I'll be there when it comes up again on the agenda.

What have you been working on this week? Grab a button from my sidebar for your post and be sure to sign in on Mr. Linky. Please visit the other participants and give them a big pat on the back. Thanks for playing along!

10 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Patty said...

I know you will get the quilt done for Halloween. I love the signs on this one. Any idea when they'll vote on the tutoring issue?

HeatherV said...

Of COURSE you are going to finish... is that even a question?

Good for you for standing up for the tutoring program. Would you come to my school and inspire other parents to action?

I didn't write my typical Finished for Friday post, instead about my Boston trip next week.

But I did (promise) get the following things done: wash the dog, cleaned my house, mowed the grass, will prep another 6 freeze ahead meals today, and my husband had surgery with a 2 day hospital stay.

He is doing great and I feel accomplished!

Lisa said...

This quilt is going to be extremely cool! (Your post title made me smile.)

My oldest starts kindergarten this fall and I am so dreading all the stuff that's going to come with it. I am a HORRIBLE public speaker and I hate it, so I am extra proud of you for standing up for something you feel strongly about.

The boys and I made a fun project yesterday- and I made a special run to Kmart for super glue at 8:00 last night just so it would be finished so I could link to you about it! Your FFF(F3?) is very motivating to me. Thank you!

Laura said...

I'm sure you will get it done for Halloween! I can't wait to see it all together.

And I'm SOOOOO excited about Harry Potter, too!

The Mother said...

I know quite a few witches, none of whom would be caught dead eating worm alfredo.

Just sayin'.


Amazing needlework!

Eileen said...

Yes.. you will get it done. All the blocks are are a great and so creative!

I hope it goes well getting the funds.

Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

A cute idea for a blog party. Keeps everyone productive because they will have to fess up on Friday.

Bea said...

You will get that quilt done before Halloween. It looks so cute. All I've accomplished this week is being the hostess at our B&B. Hmm? Didn't know we owned one?

Miri said...

This quilt will be so have to get it done!

Love this block! Have to remember these dishes for Halloween dinner. I once served monkey brains (whole head of cauliflower in mushroom sauce-it really looked creepy!)

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