Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Halloween for the history books

Pumpkins were carved. (Note Jungle Boy's tall skinny version)

Some pumpkins were minimalist but creative nonetheless.

A bar of soap. S.O.P.E. He says it's supposed to be that way because it's funnier. I don't get it.

The costume of choice for Wasabi Girl and her posse. Wish I had a picture of all of them. I also didn't get a picture of Drama Girl because I was busy directing traffic at her Halloween sleepover.

A wonderful time was had by all. I'm glad it's all done for another year. Onward to the next holiday!

2 people stopped folding laundry to write:

Branlaadee said...

Pretty creative costumes with very little prep work! I like it.

thatgirlblogs said...

loved the sope.

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